Tuna and berry ceviche

Tuna ceviche

Tuna and berry ceviche

This recipe was developed by Chef Lee Kitzis at Northern Michigan University during one of our product trainings.

Yield: 3 quarts


3 cups Current Foods tuna chunks
1 1/2 cups green manzanillo olives, sliced
1 1/2 cups white onion, medium dice
1 cup cilantro, rough chop
2 1/2 cups red bell pepper, medium dice
1 cup raspberries
1 cup blackberries
1 cup jalapeno, brunoise
3 cups lime juice
2 teaspoons black pepper
1 teaspoon dry oregano
2 tablespoons liquid aminos
Kosher salt to taste


  1. Soak Current Foods tuna chunks in lime juice for 24 hours.
  2. Prepare all ingredients.
  3. Run tuna through chinois and reserve lime juice.
  4. Mix everything together along with 1 cup of the reserved lime juice.
  5. Add salt to taste.