Black and White Bean Soup

Black and White Bean Soup

This recipe is perfect for healthcare institutions and hospitals. It was developed by HSUS’s team of expert chefs and reviewed by HSUS’s team of registered dietitians.

Click here to view and print the PDF version of this recipe.

Servings: 10

Serving size: 1 cup


8 cups Vegetable Stock, divided
½ cup Yellow Onions, diced
¼ cup Carrots, diced
¼ cup Celery, diced
1 cup Roma Tomatoes, chopped
6 sprigs Parsley, chopped
3 cloves Garlic, minced
1 Tbsp. Ground Black Pepper
2 tsp. Thyme, dried
1 can (15 oz can or 1 ¾ cups) Black Beans, canned, drained and rinsed
1 can (15 oz can or 1 ¾ cups) White Beans, canned, drained, and rinsed
½ cup Quinoa, dried
2 leaves Bay Leaves


1. In a stockpot, heat ¼ cup vegetable stock. Add the onions, carrots, and celery and sauté (do not allow to brown).
2. Add the tomatoes, parsley, garlic, pepper, and thyme and stir to combine.
3. Add the black and white beans to the pot. Add the quinoa, then add the remaining vegetable stock.
Add the bay leaves and bring the contents to a boil.
4. Reduce the heat and allow to simmer until the quinoa is fully cooked, about 15-20 minutes.
5. For a creamier look, remove 2 cups of the soup and place into a blender and blend. Add back to the soup and stir to combine.


Notes: This soup gets even better the next day, so make a batch and freeze or make ahead to be served in one to two days. It will be a bit “gray”, so you may want to garnish with thin slices of tomato, lemon, and chopped fresh parsley. To make this into a chowder, add diced and cooked potatoes, cut corn, and canned chopped tomatoes that have been drained.

Nutrition information

Calories: 150 Total Fat: 0.9g Saturated Fat: 0.2g Monounsaturated Fat: 0.2g Polyunsaturated Fat: 0.4g Trans Fat: 0g Cholesterol: 0mg Carbohydrate: 28g Fiber: 6.4g Total Sugar: 4g Protein: 7.4g Sodium: 648.4mg Vitamin A: 30μg Vitamin C: 4.9mg Calcium: 70mg Iron: 2.9mg Folate: 72μg

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