Chickpea Biryani

Chickpea Biryani

This recipe meets the USDA guidelines for K12 and childcare programs. It was developed by HSUS’s expert chefs and approved by HSUS’s registered dietitians. You can find this recipe below for 50 servings and for 100 servings.

Click here to view and download the PDF version of this recipe.

Process #2 – Same day service

Skill level: advanced

Biryani is a mixed rice dish popular in Indian cuisine. It’s typically made with a variety of spices, rice, beans and vegetables.

Servings: 50


1 quart + 1 pint Pureed tomatoes and sauce, canned
10 lbs. 6 oz. (1 ½ gallons + 1 cup) Garbanzo beans, drained
¾ cup Olive or vegetable oil
3 lbs. Onion, diced
½ cup + 1 tsp. Cumin, ground
3 lbs. Potatoes, red, quartered
1 lb. 8 oz. Cauliflower florets (ready-to-use)
2 lbs. 8 oz. Green beans, fresh, trimmed
¼ cup Salt
½ cup + 1 tsp. Garlic powder
½ cup + 1 tsp. Ginger, ground
¼ cup Chili powder
1 cup Cilantro, dried
2 Tbsp. Turmeric, dried
¼ cup Garam Masala (spice blend)
1 ½ gallons + 1 cup Vegetable stock
2/3 cup Lemon juice

Rice Preparation
6 lbs. 4 oz. Brown rice, dried
½ gallon Water

Servings: 100


¾ gallon Pureed tomatoes and sauce, canned
20 lbs. 12 oz. (3 gallons + 1 pint) Garbanzo beans, drained
1 ½ cup Olive or vegetable oil
6 lbs. Onion, diced
1 cup + 2 tsp. Cumin, ground
6 lbs. Potatoes, red, quartered
3 lbs. Cauliflower florets (ready-to-use)
5 lbs. Green beans, fresh, trimmed
½ cup Salt
1 cup + 2 tsp. Garlic powder
1 cup + 2 tsp. Ginger, ground
½ cup Chili powder
1 pint Cilantro, dried
¼ cup Turmeric, dried
½ cup Garam Masala (spice blend)
3 gallons + 1 pint Vegetable stock
1-1/3 cups Lemon juice

Rice Preparation
12 lbs. 8 oz. Brown rice, dried
1 gallon Water


HACCP – Standard Operating Procedure – Use hand washing procedures before starting recipe.

Prepare rice by combining with water and cooking. Fluff. Place in warmer until service.
*Recommended cooking method: Steam covered for approximately 15 minutes.
Alternative cooking methods:
a. Boil water and pour over rice. Bake covered rice in the oven at 350°F for approximately 30 minutes.
b. Heat to a rolling boil. Cook until water is absorbed, about 30-40 minutes. Stir once. Cover and cook an additional 10 minutes over low heat.
1. Heat oven to 350°F.
2. Combine the onion, cauliflower and potatoes in a steamtable pan and toss with oil, salt and pepper. Roast the vegetables for approximately 30 minutes.
3. Meanwhile, combine tomato puree, stock, and remaining ingredients (except the garam masala and lemon) in a large bowl.
4. Once the vegetables are roasted, add the stock, seasonings, chickpeas, green beans and brown rice to the steamtable pans. Stir to combine, cover with a lid and bake for another 20-30 minutes.
5. Add garam masala and lemon juice.
HACCP Critical Control Point: Heat to a temperature of 140°F for 15 seconds.
HACCP Critical Control Point: Hold at internal temperature of 135°F or above.
HACCP Critical Control Point: Reheat leftover produce to 165°F or higher; reheat product only once.

Serving information

Portion 1 ½ cups of chickpea biryani to provide 2 meat/meat alternates, 2 ounce equivalent grains, and ½ cup vegetable serving.

Nutrition information

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