Seasoned Ground Beef Tacos

Seasoned Ground Beef Tacos

This recipe was developed by Chef Hellen Saroinsong-Bitetti at RIT during one of our product trainings.

Servings: 2 tacos
Serving size: 10 oz.


3 oz. seasoned plant-based ground beef (ingredients below)
2 six-inch corn tortillas, hard or soft shell
1 oz. pico de gallo
1 oz. corn salsa
1 oz. tomato, diced
2 oz. vegan cheese, shredded

Seasoned plant-based ground beef
7 oz. plant-based ground beef
1 Tbsp. olive oil
1 tsp. garlic, chopped
1/2 tsp. seasoned salt
1/2 tsp. ground cumin
1/2 tsp. chili powder


  1. Prepare the plant-based ground beef by adding the oil to a medium-sized pan, and sautéing it with the garlic, salt, cumin, and chili powder until it reaches an internal temperature of 165 degrees. Set aside.
  2. Fill each taco shell with the sautéed ground beef, and top each with all other ingredients to taste.
  3. Enjoy!